

These rules and guidelines are meant to create a safe and enjoyable environment for everybody. The enforcement of these rules is done entirely at staff discretion. The definitions of all rules may be enforced without corresponding examples matching the context of a situation. Multiple admins review any given situation. Please make sure to have a working microphone with reasonable quality. The first and foremost rule: roleplay. Ultimately, using these rules, our staff are the ones to decide if your actions have gone against our standard of roleplay or not. Keep an open mind. It's not about winning or losing. You can cheer for your character's success, but Ban Policy: roleplay is improv. The destination isn't always what you expect it to be. Just make sure to enjoy the journey. Take a look at Pan Theater's "Rules of Improv" to learn more about improv. Warning points stack for 30 days and will decide the length of the ban within that time. Points do not fall-off when deciding permanent bans, and are also considered when determining the punishment for other incidents. Whitelist status may also be removed at any point if our standard of roleplay is not being held up.

Streamer Friendly

You must follow below mentioned rules & guidelines laid out in their Terms of Service (TOS) while in the presence of streamers. Always assume that somebody might be streaming unless you have reliable information to prove otherwise

Mature Content

This server may also contain mature content in private areas. You must be 18 years or older to play and agree to this when playing.


This section applies specifically to conduct on the Discord and failure to abide could result in warnings for community disrespect or complete removal.

Do Not:

Post gore, pornography, or other explicit material. Post any personal information about yourself or others. Post into the wrong channels.

Harass other members of the community.

Act in a toxic or insulting manner; keep the conversation constructive. Spam offensive words, symbols, images, links, or other advertising text. Talk about specific violations of the rules in whitelisted or public channels; open a ticket. Leave the Discord as it will result in automatic whitelist removal. Breaking Character Always stay in character. There are other means to speak out-of-character when necessary, but doing it through your character breaks the immersion for yourself and those around you. Generally, out-of-character topics include but are not limited to: referencing rules, reporting another player, or something that doesn't make sense in-world.

Not Valuing Life (NVL)

Your character should recognize when their life is, or could be, in danger and act in a way that would result in their good health. Going against orders under clear threat of death or injury without a sure way of retaliation would be considered not valuing your life.

Fail RP

We expect you to roleplay properly. Otherwise, you could be considered failing to roleplay. Roleplay is a mutual experience, and failing to consider the other party's perspective could result in failure. Especially, using game mechanics to your advantage whilst ignoring roleplay.

Do Not:

Behave as a corrupt law enforcement officer or government official. Whereas corruption is when you go against laws or standard operating procedures and are reasonably using the job or position to aid those actions. Behave, move, place/use (decorations) unrealistically while disregarding roleplay. Disregard happenings that would result in extreme injury or death. Force somebody to withdraw money or items from banks, properties, or other secure containers that you cannot otherwise access. Initiate any kind of bank/store robbery/heist 30 minutes around (before or after) scheduled server restarts. Inject yourself into an ongoing situation, especially to steal from the parties involved. Play music through your microphone when it doesn't make sense. Randomly, repetitively, and/or completely rob another player of items without roleplay reason. Especially while they are unresponsive (idling/AFK). Including. Shoot a complying hostage unless police are refusing reasonable demands. Using an unacceptable character name - it should be realistic and unique. Toggle your hood or trunk while inside to avoid being shot. Use communication devices such as Phone, Radio etc while you are down in any situation. Place unrealistic or immersive breaking scenes (text or images). Including, but not limited to, text spam, out-of-character information, or other obnoxious imagery. Kill, or beat down, locals (NPCs) because they are not buying your drugs, they are giving you poor prices, or they're pulling out their phone. Commit felonious crimes inside police stations (such as MRPD) or the courthouse. Realistically, these areas would always have a high police presence. Take active, on-duty, paramedics or doctors, hostage and kidnap them inside or directly outside hospitals (such as Pillbox). Holding them hostage is fine, but do not remove them from the premises. Use a Hunting Rifle to kill NPC's. Fake Hostages. Fake hostages are not allowed. A hostage is determined to be fake when they are not taken spontaneously and there is a predetermined arrangement to be, or take, somebody hostage. It should be unreasonable given most circumstances to ever take a member of your own gang hostage. The hostage takers should create some amount of tension and the hostages should be exhibiting fear towards the threat of their situation.


Maximizing progress towards a certain goal while excluding other parties involved is considered powerful roleplay, or powergaming. Including, but not limited to, actions that would otherwise be impossible for your character, or forcing impossible actions on the behalf of other player or non-player characters.

Do Not:

Force officers to unlock the doors at banks or other robberies. It makes sense they would have keys to a hospital but not a bank. Have an unhealthy win mentality. There's a difference between trying to win, which you should be doing for healthy conflict roleplay, and forcing the win or doing absolutely everything possible to secure the win. The difference being allowing for buildup and opportunity for the other party.

Party Limit

A maximum of 5 individuals should actively participate in a crime. There is no limit of how many people may participate in a race, but the party limit applies when rescuing another racer, with the person being rescued being counted; this also applies to any ongoing situation. Law Enforcement are only allowed a maximum of 10 individuals to respond to a situation. Exceptions include places where heavy police presence would make sense, including police stations, hospitals, or the Los Santos International Airport. An eleventh officer is allowed as a spotter in a helicopter or using a CCTV camera. The limit on Law Enforcement is lifted when an 10-99 (officer in distress) is activated. Otherwise, there is no party limit. An unrestricted number of people may roleplay together, and even defend themselves, so long as done in a legal manner. This also applies to community territories.

Gunplay over Roleplay

When presented with the options: roleplay or shoot. The route should be to roleplay. Prematurely resorting to the escalation of force may be considered failing the scene. Inorganic conflict between gangs. Invalid reasoning for wars might include demanding unreasonable amounts of money or items, petty insults, or other minor occurrences. Prematurely escalating an escape attempt to shooting. A criminal party should make every effort to escape without using their weapons. Valid reasoning to escalate might include aggressive police driving, running low on fuel, an overly damaged vehicle, or other immediate threat of being caught.

Low Effort RP

Low Effort Roleplay is defined as putting little to no effort whatsoever into a roleplay scenario which you are some way involved in. When participating in any roleplay scenario, the situations you have involved yourself in should have depth as well as character advancement in their story. At no point should you put little or no effort into your scenarios or responses as this will take away the experience from others.
For Example:
Not properly responding to /me RP and also reading them outloud. Not taking medical emergencies of citizen seriously. If injured and continuing in normal voice. (not doing injury RP). Having a “fake hostage” during a robbery scene.

Looting :

Civilians are not allowed to rob a hostage, only if the hostage do not cooperate with the robbers then you are allowed to rob them. Civilians can not rob officers and doctors.

Character Creation

While it is super easy to create a hardened criminal character, your character should end up having long term growth within the server. The character you make should not become a member of the city and be a million dollar crime lord off the get-go. All characters should grow into their role over an extended period of time. When creating a character, think of family history and creating a backstory to help further develop roleplay within the server. Initially your character should start off with very little to no resources or knowledge of the city. Additionally, all players should find a balance between legal and illegal activities while building their character’s story.

This rule also applies to law enforcement, with some further caveats.

Escalating when there is ample opportunity to de-escalate a situation. Including the usage of a taser or handcuffs, also known as insta-tazing. Always give time for the other party to escape extenuating circumstances; until they become aggravated (driving recklessly, pointing weapons (excluding hostages' present), generally being violent, felony stops, etc.). Failing to match force with force; excluding when higher levels of force make sense, which is written into the standard operating procedures.

Character Restrictions

If you choose to play a cop character, you cannot be a member of a gang, yet one can engage in illegal activities through their secondary character. If you intend to play a cop, you can't be a member of the Department of Justice, and vice versa.

Cop Baiting

Never interrupt an ongoing situation involving police or paramedics unless you are involved in the situation. Don't call for police when you don't need their help, especially when desiring to rob, kidnap, or kill them. Repetitively instigating police officers into a police pursuit is also considered baiting.

Crim Baiting

Just as a criminal can bait officers, so can officers to criminals. An officer should not approach criminals with the intent of provoking them. This does not include trying to have a normal conversation or the performance of a sting operation. More specifically, don't approach somebody that hasn't committed and is not reasonably suspected to have committed a crime and shit-talk or coerce them in order to arrest them.

Criminal-Leo Interaction

Providing a poor interaction while arresting, detaining, or restraining players. While putting another player into a situation where they are anchored by handcuffs or a prison cell, you should provide them with good interaction. Essentially, talk to them, keep them engaged. You may kidnap LEOs given there is reasonable RP. You may not kidnap an LEO who is already actively RPing in a scenario you are not involved in. You may not rob a cop without a valid reason; they are not your loot cows or your personal armory.

Stories & Situations

A situation is essentially a series of events in real-time. An interruption, or break, in one situation, might lead to another situation in the future of the story. A combat situation is considered over after 10 minutes of observable action. For police, that would be when the last standing officer's panic is activated. Any situation may be considered over after 15 minutes of any interaction with the other parties. For Criminal scenarios, The situation ends once the cops bring the accused to the Pillbox or the PD for processing/treatment.

Random Deathmatch (RDM/VDM)

Killing, or attempting to kill, somebody without a valid reason is considered a random-deathmatch.
Examples of valid reasoning:
Initiation where the other party shows an absolute disregard for the demands being given. Previous, and recent, interactions between both parties that would justify attempted/murder. Be mindful of the gunplay over roleplay rule when determining your reasoning.

Body Dumping:

Dropping somebody in the water or other vacant locations to avoid the consequences of them remembering, also known as water dumping, is forbidden; unless there's a long, succulent, roleplay story behind the dumping, and is required to bring the story to a conclusion.

Combat Logging:

Logging off or respawning during an active situation without first reaching an agreement with the other party using ooc is considered combat logging. After committing a crime, you must wait 15 minutes prior to logging off.

Combat Storing:

Combat storing is storing your Vehicle / Cash / Illegal Items whilst you are in an active role-play situation or someone who is attempting to start one. Storing your Vehicle / Cash / Illegal Items in an ATM/Stashes whilst you are being followed by someone is not allowed. Storing your Vehicle / Cash / Illegal Items in an ATM/Stashes while someone has initiated role-play is not allowed, you will have to wait for at least 5 minutes to be sure that the situation is over. Driving your vehicle into the water so that no one else can access it is a bannable offense.

Chain Robbing:

If any sort of robbery is continuously executed without any time gap and proper progression between the robberies is called Chain Robbing.


Information obtained out-of-character should not be used to determine your character's actions. Additionally, sharing out-of-character knowledge via in-character mediums is considered metagaming. Discord DMs and Discord channels are OOC unless otherwise stated by Staff/Management. In-character emails are conducted on the Discord with being marked as an IC-Mail.

Stream Sniping:

Watching a live stream of another player and using the information in-character while also playing is considered metagaming. This includes but is not limited to, using information obtained through a stream to direct your character's actions. We don't have to prove you are doing it without any doubt, we just have to believe it's happening.

Interpersonal Characters:

Your characters cannot know of each other. No kind of interaction between characters is allowed such as, but not limited to, transferring money, items or other assets between your characters either directly or indirectly (through a friend).

Roleplay Blurring

There must be a clear separation between ‘in character’ (IC) and ‘out of character’ (OOC) behavior and knowledge. If your personal feelings begin to bleed into the roleplay, it is advised that you take a break from the server. If you continue to act based on OOC feelings, beliefs, disagreements or other information in character, especially in a toxic manner, we will be forced to remove you from the server. Please remember that your character is not you and anything that happens to your character is not a direct attack on your outside reality. The MLT RP staff can send you on a break at any moment when they feel that the RP is affecting you IRL. It will not be a ban, but it will be a break for your mental benefit.

Community Disrespect

Always show respect to members within the community. Including in-game and out-of- game.

Salt Reports:

We take player reports very seriously, and one should never be opened out of emotion. Always take time to cool down and consider the situation objectively. If a report is If a report is opened in a distasteful, hostile, hateful, or spiteful manner, then it will be considered community disrespect. This also includes revenge reports, and opening another report for a situation already reviewed; any and all evidence should be presented in the initial report of any given situation as they are looked at as a whole, and sometimes the reporting party will be given warning points (also known as self-reporting).

Do Not:

Reference major infectious diseases, disasters, suicide, or other real-world issues such as Covid. Heckle people afflicted with physical or mental disorders. Pee or poo on other people or in front of them.

OOC Toxicity:

If your out-of-character behavior is or appears as in a distasteful, hostile, hateful, or abhorrent manner, especially done in repetition, it may be considered 'toxic' or 'fire starting.'

Offensive Roleplay:

You must obtain the consent of all parties involved including staff before conducting sexual acts, torture, dismemberment, cannibalism, suicide, abortion, or other extreme acts. For some, roleplay is a way to escape reality, and although everything is 'real' to our characters, we should all make it a world that everybody can enjoy.

Sexual Harassment

Unwanted Cat Calling, touching, or other sexual advances constitute sexual harassment. Especially when done in repetition when told to stop.

Hateful Conduct

Hateful conduct is any conduct that promotes, encourages, or facilitates discrimination, denigration, objectification, harassment, or violence based on the following characteristics, and is strictly prohibited: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or serious medical condition.

Cheating, Hacking, or Exploiting

Unauthorized access to the server is considered hacking, using third-party software or mods to obtain an advantage is considered cheating, and abusing systems is considered exploiting. Report exploits immediately instead of abusing it - you could be rewarded, otherwise, you'll be punished when you're found out. Mods that we consider giving an unfair advantage include but are not limited to: graphics mods that add significant brightness and contrast during night, particle effects that contrast hit effects such as confetti, or crosshairs.

Prohibited Roleplay

Corrupt EMS and PD and DOJ is strictly not allowed Torture RP - If there is consent from both the parties. Suicide RP - Until you have strong RP behind it. Pregnancy RP - Check with admins once. Erotic RP - Please keep Streaming Platform(s) TOS in mind. Animal RP - Prohibited unless authorized by staff.

Business Rules:

NOC is compulsory to give job to any one ( If breaks action will be taken by management in rp and ooc) If someone got jailed then he or she have to take noc again from pd after that only he can join his job again Business owner have to give response of each and every employee in #business-response provided channel If any one resigns from the job or get fired Owner have to put that response also If you resign from any job after that to join a new job there will be a 2 days cooldown

General City Rules.

There are Safe Zones in City Where Gun firing and criminal activity is prohibited (details are given below) Pill Box, Courthouse, Cityhall & EDM – No Gunplay and criminal activity is allowed. MRPD – Only if there is a proper RP scenarios with at MRPD and players will have to be ready for action taken by PD. PDM & Mechanic - Only if there is a proper RP scenario. Cops can’t be looted in any scenarios even if the RP scenarios suggest it. Government car ( PD , EMS , etc. ) stealing must be prohibited ( no matter the rp behind it ) Government Employee ( PD , EMS , etc. ) looting strictly prohibited ( no the the rp behind it ) Corruption RolePlay must be prohibited at all costs by both sides ( as an officer and as an player ). If items are found on any player it will be just as guilty as corruption itself is. Toxicity , If anyone reports an specific player or group of people or gang to be too toxic ( with proof ). They will get direct ban. Additionally, players should not rely on ‘Twitter’ as the primary means of in-character communication as this requires very little effort. Those players utilizing ‘Twitter’ excessively or releasing information not known to the general public over ‘Twitter’ may be subject to disciplinary action. Pitting a vehicle to immobilize in a situation is not allowed and strict actions will be taken if anyone found doing so. Entering any place like Military base or any such location is considered as fail RP and actions will be initiated against players. In grinding places hostage scenario and looting is not allowed even from the vehicles. (Against Random Looting serious action will be taken) One Person can have only one whitelist job. (Applies to Multi Character Also) Anyone Doing Whitelist job if resigns from one department has to get a relieve letter from respective department and also has to serve 7 day cooldown. (Applies to Multi Character Also). In a gun fight or a code red a person can't return to fight even if he or she has been taken to pillbox. (In a ongoing situation) We have noticed a lot about new culture of using 'keybinds' while in a situation or a fight. We as a server development team can't do much about it as it is a FiveM feature , but as an server management we feel like it's power gaming to spam emotes and win a gun fight. So we have decided that from now on, ' Spamming Keybind Emotes ' can be a bannable offense if they are used for a personal advantage in a situation or a gun fight. Keep in mind this is effective immediately ! Violation of any of them will result in strict action and probable ban from the server.

Enjoy Roleplaying on MLT RP
Have Fun & Enjoy Yourself
MLT RP Team--